Sherpa & Stone

Scaling the potential of visionary businesses

Management Consulting and Interim Services
to scale your organisation, aligned with your ambitions

Our credos

  • Onward & Upward

    Support companies and teams to develop and perform through change and complexity

    Issues go unaddressed or come up while you're chasing goals. There's no time to stop; you require solutions while you keep things running.

    We first focus on assuring a stable enough environment that allows time and space to explore and resolve the challenges in a good and sustainable way.

  • Dive deep, climb high

    Explore opportunities to unlock strengths, productivity and sustainable performance

    Thorough analysis and systems thinking approach to uncover where better basics can unlock latent strengths, productivity and performance.

    Truly great achievements are always paired with phenomenal fundamentals. It's as true in sports and music as it is in business; they determine your success.

  • Built to last

    Translate your mission into a clear, fitting operational strategy and actionable plan

    At times, growing companies need to revisit their value chain and operational structure to be ready for their next phase or to attain their optimal form.

    Together we build a roadmap for building a robust, sustainable and scalable operational model that best fits your organisation and ambition.

Our services

  • Advisory

    From the side lines, we support as sparring partner, with independent observations, assessment and advisory.

    We'll apply our experience and analytical skills to explore your context and present you with our fresh insights about the current situation, possibilities for the future and advise for the road ahead.

  • Guidance

    Standing next to you and your team, we support as a guide of thought, exploration and execution, chasing your ambition.

    Mostly, the best solutions come from inside the team and there's a need for someone facilitate you to collectively work and talk through it all. We'll guide you, so you can focus on the creative part.

  • Interim

    Stepping into your team temporarily, working shoulder-to-shoulder, in order to fill an absence or add specific skills.

    No team has it all, all the time, so we're ready to jump in when you need a couple extra hands. We enjoy dealing with challenges and complexity, as managers, as specialists. We're there if needed.

Our specialties

  • Strategy & Program Development

    Developing your strategy based on your mission and building a development program to bring your current operational model and daily operations to adopt that strategy. Typical consultancy work. Not because it's necessarily hard to think of the possibilities. The hard thing is to align and decide on the best way to go.

  • Change Management

    Change. There's always someone or something that's not quite ready for it. We're not only great at keeping overview, chasing deadlines, connecting with all layers of the company, but also at finding ways to unlock cooperation and progress; aligning key stakeholders amongst themselves for sustainable results.

  • Productivity Improvement

    Productivity represents the company's ability to produce value versus its amount of resources needed to do so. It's all about improving the bottom-line; cost-down, value up. Still, it's not mindless cost cutting. It's streamlining and scaling the machine and dynamic you built to create the unique value you wish to offer.